Appstore Submission 2020

Setup Logos use this site for quick logo generation and place the icons based on the correct resolution in unity Setup apple developer account Create an apple account…

Playstore Submission 2020

Step 1. Create Unqiue Bundle ID use reverse domain setup: (remove all capital letters and symbols) CANNOT BE com.Dreamarvel.LKCNHM_AR The app will not able to install, the correct way should…

Create UI elements

The ASAManager require basic functions: Connect to spatial anchor server List all available anchors by ID Delete anchors by ID Exit and close session Flow: st=>start: Start e=>end: End op=>operation:…

3d test stl

[canvasio3D width="320" height="320" border="1" borderCol="#F6F6F6" dropShadow="0" backCol="#FFFFFF" backImg="..." mouse="on" rollMode="off" rollSpeedH="0" rollSpeedV="0" objPath="" objScale="1.5" objColor="#A9A9A9" lightSet="7" reflection="on" refVal="5" objShadow="off" floor="off" floorHeight="42" lightRotate="off" vector="off" mousewheel="on" Help="off"] [/canvasio3D]

Rest API

REST API Rest stands for Representational State Transfer 6 constrains Uniform interface resources based instead of action based URI, resources(JSON or XML), http header Stateless every client request is consistent…

Javascript print.log usage

This is a quick way to get variable or array values in the console while debugging. The following code will display the value of a variable: console.log($variable); for objects the…