Appstore Submission 2020

Setup Logos

use this site for quick logo generation and place the icons based on the correct resolution in unity

Setup apple developer account

  1. Create an apple account
  2. Enroll with developer program

Setup Distribution certificate

Export project into IOs and open in Xcode

Export built to IOs project

Remember to change podFile to version 2.5.0 for this release built

Issue Faced: Cannot find AzureSpatialAnchor with pod

Solution: do command:

pod repo update

once it is done, do an install using the following:

cd <to directory>
pod install --verbose 

Setup Appstore Connect

Export project for testing on IOs

Issue faced: Linker command failed with exit code 1

Solution:If you are using Cocoapods in your project, one needs to use xcworkspace to build instead of xcproject.

Issues faced: Build successful but cannot send to ipad connected
Solution: update Xcode to the latest when Ipad was updated to latest OS14

Upload to Appstore Connect in Xcode

Achieve after rename from unity-iphone to YOUR PROJECT NAME.

Issue faced: cannot run pod install

Solution: rename the pod file to the new project name, then open the newly named .xcworldspace, but do need to remove the code sign entitlement in the build settings

Setup signing

using auto signing from Xcode. All is needed is the appID created from

Plus create a distribution certification. Once the certification is linked with Xcode account, the app will be auto added and upload to the Appstoreconnect.

Then fill up the information below.

Issues faced. Required to fill up the following:

  1. Age rating must be filled up
  2. Image preview for various device
  3. Content rights

Filling according and for the preview can use the following site to generate preview then edit in photoshop.