This is a great book reflecting on modern day events and trends, identifying both threat and opportunity to mankind in the 21st Century. Touched on interesting topics such as artificial…
Place the UI Panel to the top of the display because it is the last to be draw among the siblings root.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); // Puts the panel to the front as…
REST API Rest stands for Representational State Transfer 6 constrains Uniform interface resources based instead of action based URI, resources(JSON or XML), http header Stateless every client request is consistent…
This is a quick way to get variable or array values in the console while debugging. The following code will display the value of a variable: console.log($variable); for objects the…
First Expand the virtual drive harddisk, if the function is grey out, remove any snapshot of the virtual machine and try again. El Captain disk Utilities is not fully…
Suddenly the multi-site setup just cannot connect to both wp-admin or the second site due to redirect loop issue. the solution for the issue is: logging into phpmyadmin and went…