Activate a sound effect

This script will activate the beep sound when the MRT card in the trigger range. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class TapCard : MonoBehaviour { public AudioClip beep; AudioSource audio;…

leap motion Basic Setup 1

Using this setup to learn the hand rotation values. Using the first detected hand values to find out Pitch, Yaw and Roll of a hand. Remember to place this to…

LeapMotion Trigger Setup

Using Leapmotion to touch and trigger GameObjects in the scene. This script first creating the leapmotion colliders and upon trigger activation, The GameObject will change color. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;…

Unity control

Have unity to respond to in put Can place the following codes to the update function Keyboard If (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.E) { } GetAxis float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float y =…

Unity Trigger Setup

When user enters a region, activate certain events. First is using a simple physics collider. Setup BOX Collider or Sphere Collider component on the target object. provide a tag for…

Camera Control

Below is two type of camera control to follow a player. One is simply look at the player. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class cameraLookAt : MonoBehaviour { public Transform…

Part 9 Update form from updated database again

When all the database has been successfully insert, update or deleted. The page will read database again and update all forms with the latest data if($database_mod){ unset($eduId); unset($Startyear); unset($Endyear); unset($School);…

Part 8 Update form from database

When the page first loaded, All forms are being updated if there are existing records in the database already         $testquery = "SELECT * FROM education WHERE…